Losing wallets, keys or other important items can be so frustrating. For Catholics, St. Anthony has long been the go-to saint to pray to when trying to find lost objects. He is regarded as the patron saint of lost articles.
Let’s explore why St. Anthony is associated with missing items, the famous prayer said in his name, and the roots of this devotion:
Who Was St. Anthony?
St. Anthony was a Catholic friar born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1195 AD. He later joined the Franciscan Order and became known for living a very simple and pious life devoted to God.
Anthony also grew famous for his preaching skills and profound prayers. He traveled spreading the Gospel before dying at age 36. After his death, many faithful devotees reported Anthony’s help interceding in their lives from heaven.
How St. Anthony Became Patron Saint of Lost Things
According to legend, one day a novice borrowed St. Anthony’s psalter book of Psalms and then failed to return it. Anthony prayed for its recovery, and the frightened novice returned it, saying the devil assaulted him since he took the psalter.
After Anthony’s death, word of his holy lifestyle and prayers spread far and wide. As the psalter story became well-known, people started praying to Anthony for help when their personal items would go missing.
Over time, these prayers increased, as did reports of lost items reappearing. Eventually, Anthony’s reputation for helping reunite lost objects with their owners grew strong enough that the Vatican officially declared him the patron saint of lost articles.
The Famous Prayer Said to St. Anthony
When looking for lost objects, Catholics will traditionally say a prayer to St. Anthony that asks for his intercessory aid. A common version goes:
“St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find [name the lost object] which has been lost. At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
This prayer praises Anthony’s virtues, asks him to use his God-given powers to find the missing item, and requests emotional comfort if it cannot be located.
Why St. Anthony Appeals to Those Searching for Lost Possessions
There are several factors that make praying to St. Anthony a natural choice for Catholics who have lost their possessions:
- As the patron saint of lost articles, Anthony has heaven-granted abilities specifically suited to helping people find missing things. His patronage promises his proficiency with this issue.
- Anthony lived a very devout life of poverty, simplicity, and piety – qualities admired by later Catholics. This holy lifestyle earned him a place in sainthood.
- The story of the miraculous return of Anthony’s psalter prayer book increased devotion to him for recovering lost items. This narrative demonstrated his skill.
- Anthony’s wise and compassionate nature makes people feel comfortable asking for his intercession and trusting he’ll help in an understanding way.
- Catholics believe saints in heaven intercede on behalf of those still on Earth. Asking Anthony feels like having a friend pray with you.
- Praying to Anthony gives hope during the stressful experience of losing belongings; his help is there if faithfully invoked.
For centuries, St. Anthony has been revered for his patronage of recovering lost objects. His holy life earned widespread devotion. When items go missing, his aid provides comfort and hope for solutions for the Catholic faithful worldwide.