Who We Are?

Our Mission

Our mission is to help nurture and deepen personal spirituality rooted in the message of Christ. We believe profound wisdom and peace emerge when we make space for the divine presence to operate through prayer, study and reflection. By engaging with the places, stories and community Jesus walked with on this earth, we connect to the same timeless truth he embodied.

At MyHolyLand you will find:

  • Inspiring devotionals and scripture commentaries to illuminate your daily spiritual practice
  • Rich perspectives on Christian history – from early Desert Mothers and Fathers to the Reformation leaders who renewed the faith
  • Moving photo journals and virtual reality tours to iconic Holy Land locations like Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem and Nazareth
  • Thought-provoking blogs by clergy and lay people wrestling with issues of modern life and social justice
  • Spaces for discussion and questions to learn from diverse expressions of Christianity across denominations.

Ultimately we are fellow pilgrims who believe walking in the footsteps of Jesus and the Cloud of Witnesses lights our way forward. We invite you to join this community breaking open the Word like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus – so our hearts might burn within us! Meet us here at the intersection of study, worship and sacred travel to sink your roots deeper into the soil of vibrant Christian spirituality and compassionate living.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values at MyHolyLand

Authentic Faith – We believe spiritual integrity emerges from courageously wrestling with life’s deepest questions. We aim to foster honest, thoughtful engagement with Christian traditions and scriptures.

Compassionate Community – In the spirit of “they will know we are Christians by our love,” we strive to create an online space that is caring, inclusive and respectful to people from all backgrounds and viewpoints. Disagreement is welcome if conveyed in a spirit of mutual understanding.

Contemplative Curiosity – As we explore topics like prayer, world religions and social issues, we carry a sense of wonder and listening for wisdom from unexpected sources. We know insight unfolds gradually through patience, empathy and seeing from different lenses.

Sacred Stewardship – We feel humility and reverence for this ancient, intricate faith we have received from ancestors in the tradition. We hope to carry it forward, enlivened and renewed, to new generations seeking light on the journey.

Pilgrimage for Justice – As pilgrims following Christ’s way of reconciliation, we heed his call to lift up the oppressed and make God’s love real through service. We know true worship motivates us to transform structures causing harm and indignity.

In all we do, we aim to ground ourselves in the roots of Christian vision while finding fresh language and embodiments to guide spiritual seekers today. Please join us in this ever-unfolding journey!