Where Do you start reading in the bible

Where Do You Start Reading In The Bible?

I still remember the first time I picked up a Bible and thought, “Oh man…where do I begin with this giant book?”

It was so thick and had weird names and places I’d never heard of. I wondered if I was supposed to start at page one and plow through, or if there was a better way for a total newbie to dive in.

It can be downright hard holding the Holy Bible in your hands for the first time, knowing it covers everything from poetry to history to letters. You want to connect with it but may not know where to start uncovering the treasures inside.

Let me share what I’ve discovered about some great places for brand-new Bible readers to begin their journey.

If You Need Inspiration, Turn to Psalms

On days when I need an emotional or spiritual boost, I absolutely love opening up the Psalms. The raw, honest prayers and hymns really resonate. There’s encouragement for every human feeling tucked within these poetic pages.

Starting with uplifting Psalms like 23 and 34 eases you into interacting with scripture. You’ll find comfort, joy, and inspiration that we all crave.

Seeking Wisdom? Start with Proverbs In The Bible

When I need practical life advice, Proverbs always comes through. The short verses deliver wisdom that cuts to the heart of how to live well. I especially appreciate guidance around relationships, integrity, generosity, and avoiding foolishness.

Proverbs breaks down deep truths into bite-sized morsels. It’s like a handbook of wise sayings to guide daily life. Perfect for new Bible explorers.

If You Feel Lost, Turn to the Gospel of John

Seasons when I feel directionless or confused are made brighter by the light of John’s gospel. He eloquently introduces Jesus as God in the flesh – the way, truth, and life we long for. John’s profound but simple words capture the heart with divine truth and hope.

This grace-filled book points seekers gently toward faith. John clears the way for encountering Jesus and receiving new life in Him.

Looking for Heroes? Check Out the Book of Acts

If you love reading stories of daring heroes, adventure, and drama, then Acts is the book for you! It chronicles the early apostles and the birth of the church after Jesus’ ascension.

Despite persecution and hardship, these followers of Christ spread the gospel with courage. Their bold exploits plant seeds of faith that inspire Christians today.

Need Comfort? Soak in Jesus’ Words in the Gospels

Weary or troubled souls find peace in the gentle words of Jesus recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Reading the accounts of His public ministry and intimate teachings reveals a Savior full of grace, truth, and compassion.

From the Sermon on the Mount to parables like the Prodigal Son, Jesus’ wisdom washes over you like a soothing balm. Meet Christ Himself in the Gospels.

Want to Understand Your Purpose? Check Out Romans

I found great clarity about my identity in Christ and my higher calling by exploring the book of Romans. Paul confronts vital questions about righteousness, salvation, and sanctification in profound yet simple language.

By laying proper foundations of faith, Romans clears away confusion about living in grace. This powerful book plants your feet firmly on solid biblical ground.

Completely New to the Bible? Start with Mark’s Gospel

If the whole Bible seems overwhelming, read Mark first. This swift narrative provides a helpful introduction to Jesus’ ministry and role as Savior.

Mark’s action-oriented pace and storytelling style make it very relatable for beginners. In readable episodes, Mark paints a compelling portrait of who Jesus is and what following Him looks like.

Open Your Heart as You Open the Bible Pages

Starting any new book requires an open mindset and attentiveness. This is especially true when approaching the sacred words of Scripture. Bring curiosity and sincerity to your reading.

The Bible interweaves numerous literary styles yet flows together in one epic story. As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding. God’s truth will come alive.

Of course, these are just suggestions – you can start exploring the Bible wherever you want. Hopefully, these tips on meaningful entry points will reduce any fears and inspire you to turn that first page. You’ll be hooked once you see how God’s Word connects to your real life.

Let me know if you have any other questions for this beginner Bible reader. I love helping new friends uncover the life-changing wisdom waiting for us in Scripture.


  • Dr. Sr. Swapana John MSA

    Dr. Sister Swapana John belongs to the Mission Sisters of Ajmer and currently serves as a lecturer of Zoology at Sophia Girls College. She completed her PhD in Zoology from the MDS University, Ajmer. With a heart for sharing the gospel, Sister Swapana authors books and articles on applying Christian faith in daily life. She has contributed to numerous publications including Herald of Hope, Bible Study Guides, and the Messenger. Her writing aims to encourage spiritual growth and Christ-centered living. An experienced educator, Sister Swapana has taught undergraduate Zoology courses for over 12 years. She enjoys imparting her knowledge to help students understand the natural world. Outside of teaching, Sister Swapana actively participates in religious conferences, retreats, and evangelization programs. She also serves her local church community as a catechism teacher. Driven by a passion for learning and faith-based service, Sister Swapana draws on her background in both science and theology to minister to youth and adults. Her writing reflects her spirit of joyful obedience in using one's talents for the glory of God. When not writing, Sister Swapana enjoys gardening, cooking, and volunteering with various charities in her community. She resides in Ajmer as part of the Mission Sisters of Ajmer convent.

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