“He is risen.” Every Easter, those joyful words echo through churches around the world. But when I was a kid dressed up in my Sunday best, I never truly grasped the earth-shattering meaning behind that shout.
Back then, it was just something you yelled at everyone else before eating jelly beans from the plastic Easter eggs. I didn’t realize those three simple words held an amazing message of hope and transformation for my own life.
But now I understand – the story of Jesus being crucified and buried, then rising from the grave on the third day, isn’t just some fable or legend. This was a real man named Jesus who soldiers brutally executed, then laid lifeless in a cold, dark tomb without food or water for days. Medically speaking, what happened next was impossible. Yet three days later, his body was gone and he appeared to his disciples alive again.
The Story of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Jesus and his twelve disciples were in Jerusalem for Passover, the big Jewish holiday that remembers how God freed his people from slavery in Egypt in the Old Testament.
Jesus knew the religious leaders were plotting against him. Even one of his disciples, Judas, betrayed him to the authorities. Jesus was arrested and falsely accused of crimes he didn’t commit.
The Romans who ruled over Israel at the time didn’t see Jesus as a threat. But the Jewish leaders kept demanding that he be executed. Finally, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate gave in and agreed to let them crucify Jesus.
Crucifixion of Jesus

Crucifixion was a brutal execution method. Jesus was whipped and beaten badly. Nails were driven through his hands and feet to a wooden cross. He hung there in agony for hours. Even in his pain, Jesus asked God to forgive those responsible. Finally, he took his last breath.
Jesus’ body was taken down and placed in a tomb carved out of rock. A huge stone sealed the entrance shut. Some women who followed Jesus saw where he was buried.
The Tomb Was Empty

That Saturday, Jesus’ friends grieved, hidden at home. Early Sunday, some women went to his tomb with spices for his body. But the huge stone was rolled away! The tomb was open and empty.
Suddenly, two angels appeared. “Jesus has risen from the dead, just as he said!” they explained. Later, the women saw Jesus alive again. He had conquered death forever.
This is central to Christianity. Jesus’ resurrection changed everything. It proved he was God’s promised Messiah.
Why the Resurrection Matters So Much
When I think about it, I get chills. This wasn’t just history – this was God turning defeat into ultimate victory! Jesus didn’t just rise for himself. He rose to give new life to us when we felt dead inside. Jesus rose so we’d never fear death again. He rose to make eternal life real.
Jesus’ resurrection fills my heart with awe and hope. Now I know death has no power over me. Sin and darkness will never win because Jesus is alive! His promise of life after death is something I can completely trust. No matter what happens, Jesus walks with me and will make all things new.
Here are 5 key reasons it matters:
It Shows Jesus’ Divine Power
During his ministry, Jesus claimed he was the Son of God in human form. That’s why the Jewish leaders accused him of blasphemy, which was punishable by death.
By resurrecting, Jesus proved his divinity and authority over life and death. He showed he truly was the Messiah that Scripture predicted would come. Only the true Son of God could overcome the grave.
It Offers Hope of Eternal Life
Christians believe that after death, everyone will be resurrected to face judgment before God. Those who rejected Jesus will be separated from God forever. But those who accepted Christ’s sacrifice on their behalf will be resurrected to live in God’s presence for eternity.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, he paved the way for his followers to experience eternal life with him after they died. Death is not the end. Jesus’ resurrection guarantees that all believers will triumph over death too.
It Confirms Jesus’ Sacrifice Was Accepted
On the cross, Jesus willingly took the punishment for humankind’s sin and rebellion against God. He bridged the gap that sin created between God and people. When Jesus cried out, “It is finished.” before dying, he meant his sacrificial payment was complete.
But how could they know God accepted this sacrifice on their behalf? The proof was the resurrection. By raising Jesus back to life, God showed that he approved of Jesus’ substitutionary death in humanity’s place. His sacrifice was fully accepted.
It Represents Victory Over Evil and Death
The resurrection represents Jesus’ definitive triumph over Satan, sin, and death. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus dealt a death blow to the power of evil and the fear of death that grips humanity.
Jesus remained perfectly obedient even unto death. When he rose again, it demonstrated God’s supreme authority over every earthly and spiritual power, including death itself. The resurrection proves love and light will always overcome evil and darkness.
It Foreshadows the Future Resurrection of Believers
Christians believe that one day Jesus will return to fully establish God’s kingdom on earth. At that time, every person who has ever lived will be resurrected to face God’s judgment.
Those who trusted in Jesus during their earthly lives will receive imperishable, resurrected bodies just like Jesus did. They will live and reign with him forever in the new creation.
So Jesus’ resurrection offers a preview of the bodily resurrection awaiting all who call him Lord. The grave could not hold Jesus, and it would not hold his followers.
Why “He is Risen.” Matters
Now you can understand why Easter is the most joyful, hope-filled day on the Christian calendar. Jesus decisively defeated the power of sin and death. Just as he walked out of that tomb alive again, all who believe in him can triumph over death through his power.
When we proclaim “He is risen.” we’re expressing unwavering confidence in Jesus’ authority over death itself. It’s a jubilant declaration that death has lost its sting and the grave has lost its victory. Even though we may face pain and loss now, we have hope of eternal resurrection life to come.
So next time Easter rolls around, I hope you’ll shout “He is risen.” with new appreciation and understanding. Jesus is alive and death is defeated forever. He is risen indeed.