St. isabelle Of France

St. isabelle Of France: A Princess Who Chose God Over Riches

Imagine you’re born a princess, living in a fancy palace with servants waiting on your hand and foot. You spend your days dressed in silky gowns, dazzling jewels, and golden crowns. Whatever your heart desires is yours with the snap of a finger. A life of power and luxury awaits you.

Would you be tempted by all that worldly wealth and comfort? Or like the young princess Isabel of France, choose instead to devote your life fully to God?

Let’s explore the remarkable life of St. Isabelle of France, who gave up royal riches and privileges to become a humble servant of God and role model of the Catholic faith.

Rejecting Princess Life

Born in 1271, Isabel grew up in a royal French palace as the daughter of King Louis IX and granddaughter of King Louis VII. But from a very young age, she rejected the princess lifestyle.

While other royal girls indulged in fashion, parties, and palatial living, young Isabel fasted, studied spiritual books, and spent hours absorbed in prayer. Surrounded by wealth and privilege, her true heart longed for God alone.

By age 10, Isabel was reading Latin texts to say the Liturgy of the Hours each day. She read the Bible along with tales of chivalry and the lives of saints for inspiration.

Despite her lavish upbringing, the kind-hearted princess often sneaked bread out of the palace kitchens to give to poor peasant children outside the castle walls. She invited unwashed beggars to dine at her table as her honored guests.

Even as a girl, Isabel was special – more committed to growing her faith than enjoying royal fame and riches. The court took notice of her humble character.

Withstanding Royal Pressure

When Isabel turned 12, her family arranged for her to marry Hugh X of Lusignan for political reasons, as medieval noblewomen often did.

However, Isabel had already secretly taken a private vow of virginity to God as His bride. She resisted family demands to marry Hugh, refusing to go through the formal wedding rites.

This took immense courage, as girls marrying for politics was expected. But Isabel insisted on following her spiritual calling over earthly conventions – remarkable given the period she lived in.

Despite enormous pressure from the King and Pope, Isabel humbly but firmly stuck to her choice. Eventually, they permitted her vows, making her one of the first recognized royal virgins.

Choosing a Life Devoted to God

Though she avoided marriage, Isabel still longed to devote her life to God in a faithful community.

In 1255, she achieved her dream by founding the Franciscan abbey of Longchamp just outside Paris. Here Isabel lived, prayed, and meditated daily alongside the nuns, financing the construction of the monastery.

She served as Longchamp’s superior, adhering closely to the abbey’s rules and spiritual disciplines. Isabel embraced silence, poverty, fasting, and charity. Her royal privileges enabled her to support the convent.

While Isabel was never formally a nun, Longchamp nurtured her vocation and calling. Under her leadership, it grew into a space for spiritual awakening shielded from worldly influences.

Selfless Service of St. Isabelle of France to the Poor and Sick

From the sheltered setting of Longchamp Abbey, St. Isabel expanded her selfless work among the poor, hungry, and sick.

She gave immense donations to hospitals, churches, and clergy. Isabel regularly visited those in prison or suffering in poverty, providing funds to ease their misery. She even helped care for her former fiancé Hugh in his dying years, despite having never married him.

Isabel also showed exceptional compassion in serving lepers, washing their sores, and feeding them, undeterred by fear of contagion. Her heart poured out to society’s most shunned and vulnerable.

St. Isabelle of France: Inspiring Great and Small

Incredibly, even the ruthlessly ambitious King Philip the Fair admired Isabel, praising her saintly virtues and urging his heir to emulate this princess who shunned power. What a testament to her undeniable spiritual wisdom.

St. Isabel passed away in 1270 at just the age of 45. The massive outpouring of grief from royals, clergy, and commoners alike showed the immense impact of her pious service.

The Pope himself canonized her a saint in record time – clearly, Isabel’s legacy as a selfless woman of God made an immediate, widespread impression, extending far beyond her earthly life.

An Enduring Beacon Through the Centuries

Over 750 years after her death, St. Isabel continues to inspire admiration as a beacon of faith and service.

She had every luxury the world could offer, yet chose a life devoted to God through prayer, charity, and humility that touched lives from peasants to kings. What incredible conviction that must have been required.

When we face greed, pride, and earthly temptations in our chaotic times, St. Isabel reminds us where true meaning lies – not in material things, but in spiritual riches through virtuous living.

May the courageous example of this princess saint continue to illuminate hearts and bring seekers closer to Christ for centuries to come.


  • Dr. Sr. Swapana John MSA

    Dr. Sister Swapana John belongs to the Mission Sisters of Ajmer and currently serves as a lecturer of Zoology at Sophia Girls College. She completed her PhD in Zoology from the MDS University, Ajmer. With a heart for sharing the gospel, Sister Swapana authors books and articles on applying Christian faith in daily life. She has contributed to numerous publications including Herald of Hope, Bible Study Guides, and the Messenger. Her writing aims to encourage spiritual growth and Christ-centered living. An experienced educator, Sister Swapana has taught undergraduate Zoology courses for over 12 years. She enjoys imparting her knowledge to help students understand the natural world. Outside of teaching, Sister Swapana actively participates in religious conferences, retreats, and evangelization programs. She also serves her local church community as a catechism teacher. Driven by a passion for learning and faith-based service, Sister Swapana draws on her background in both science and theology to minister to youth and adults. Her writing reflects her spirit of joyful obedience in using one's talents for the glory of God. When not writing, Sister Swapana enjoys gardening, cooking, and volunteering with various charities in her community. She resides in Ajmer as part of the Mission Sisters of Ajmer convent.

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