Book Of Enoch

Why Stay Away From The Book Of Enoch: 6 Reasons Christians Hate it?

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious text. Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, deserves credit for it. Most Christian churches do not regard it as scripture today. Many early Christians considered it sacred and influential. 

The text is mysterious. It has sparked much debate and controversy over the centuries. This is about its origins, authority, and odd contents. Let’s explore this perplexing book and the key disputes surrounding it.

Background on the The Mysterious Book Of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish work dating back to between the 300s BCE and the 1st century CE. It claims to contain revelations. Enoch received them. He was the man taken up into heaven without dying, as said in Genesis 5:24. 

The Book of Enoch expands on the short biblical mention of Enoch. It provides detailed accounts of his supernatural travels and visions. It also covers the origins, deeds, and fates of rebellious angels. They are known as watchers. It also covers giants known as Nephilim.

The Book of Enoch contains five distinct sections:

  • The Book of the Watchers, which recounts the fall of the Watchers and the spread of evil on earth
  • The Book of Parables expresses Enoch’s visions through symbolic imagery
  • Astronomical Book, observing the movements of heavenly bodies
  • The Book of Dream Visions, describing Enoch’s symbolic dreams
  • The Epistle of Enoch, warning of coming judgment

Some early Christians considered it canonical. Yet, it never gained full acceptance into the Christian or Jewish Bible. Only fragments existed. Only fragments existed. Then, Scottish explorer James Bruce brought back Ethiopic manuscripts of the Book of Enoch from Africa in 1773. Today, the most complete extant version is in the Ge’ez language. 

Today, the most complete extant version is in the Ge’ez language.

Lost Book Rediscovered

For centuries, people only knew the Book of Enoch through passing biblical references. Then in the 1700s, accounts of a surviving copy first surfaced. Bruce finally found lost manuscripts. This created huge interest and controversy. 

dead sea scrolls

The text was in pieces. It was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It confirmed the work’s ancient origins. Academics debated whether this mysterious book should now be reevaluated.

Supporters of the text viewed Bruce’s discovery as a miraculous find. It restored lost truth. But others argued a work omitted for so long should remain excluded from the biblical canon. Debates ensued over whether the Book of Enoch is truly inspired scripture or mere uninspired religious literature. 

Questions arose over how passages comported with Christian doctrine. Despite lacking modern scholarly consensus, the Book of Enoch still captivates many with its tales of angels, giants, and the pre-Flood world.

Early Christian Interest

The Jewish canon excluded the Book of Enoch. But, early Christians found it drew significant interest. They valued it for its insights into angels, demons, and judgement. Prominent Church Fathers like Tertullian and Origen referenced it to support doctrines like angelology, demonology, and the fallen state of creation. 

Passages from Enoch can be found in ancient Christian hymns and texts. Jesus’s statement about angels not marrying in Matthew 22:30 alludes directly to Enoch.

The Book of Enoch’s depiction of a messianic Son of Man influenced Christian views of Jesus. But later Church authorities like Jerome ultimately rejected Enoch because it was not included in the Jewish canon. Still, the text greatly shaped conceptions of angels and demons in Christianity. 

Speculation flourished over how Enoch gained such knowledge of divine mysteries not contained in the Torah. Despite issues with the text, the early church could not ignore its cosmic visions.

Contradictions and Problems:

As scholars analyzed the rediscovered Book of Enoch, issues arose over contradictions in theology and history. Speculation grew that the text was really a compilation of several works by different writers in different time periods. For instance, the Book of Parables differs substantially in tone and seems to express a more Christian viewpoint.

While some passages resonate with Christian ideas, others present theological problems. Confusion surrounds exactly which beings the Watchers and Nephilim were. Bizarre details challenge orthodox beliefs. For example, angels interbreeding with humans. 

They challenge beliefs about the spiritual and physical realms. Critics claim the Book of Enoch’s angelology is elaborate. They say its interest in astrology comes from pagan myths, not divine revelation. The work reflects views of the cosmos more akin to ancient Mesopotamian cosmology than the biblical Hebrew worldview.

The Unknown Author of the Book Of Enoch

Debate continues over whether the Book of Enoch originated with the Enoch of Genesis or a pseudonymous writer. The text shows awareness of the Torah books, suggesting a later author’s hand. Though claiming to predate Noah’s flood, evidence suggests the Book of Enoch emerged long after it. 

Elaborate legends about Enoch evolved through centuries of Jewish and Christian tradition. They were later compiled into their present form. Few scholars believe Enoch himself wrote the entire work. But who did remains shrouded in mystery.

Secret Knowledge?

The Book of Enoch claims to reveal heavenly secrets. It covers the cosmos, calendar, and future judgment. But where did this esoteric information come from? Supporters believe Enoch got such knowledge from angels and astronomy through divine revelation. 

Perhaps, angels told him. But skeptics argue the author made up or borrowed much of the lore. They say it came from earlier myths and pagan Babylonian sources. The text weaves older ANE mythic motifs into an innovative narrative.

What does chapter 8 in book of Enoch says?

Chapter 8 continues the account of Enoch’s mystical journeys and visions as he travels to various celestial realms. The chapter seems to focus on descriptions of places Enoch visits, including:

  • The Valley of the Righteous – A beautifully bright valley where the righteous and elect await the day of judgment and reward. It is a place of light, joy and blessings.
  • The Abyss of Fire – Described as an abyss filled with great columns of heavenly fire. It appears to be a place of punishment for fallen angels/spirits.
  • Another Dwelling for the Righteous – Another locale Enoch visits that is set apart for the righteous and elect, perhaps hinting at different realms for different spiritual statuses.
  • Tartarus – This place of darkness and torment is analogous to the Greek underworld. It seems to be a fiery, scorching place where disobedient spirits/angels are delivered for eternal punishment and confinement.

It seems Chapter 8 continues the Book of Enoch’s theme of an ascension of the visionary through celestial realms, granting revelation into the fates of spirits, places of reward and punishment, and the cosmos. It provides contrasting visions of realms prepared for both the righteous and the damned.

Lasting Significance of the Book Of Enoch

Most scholars find the ancient text fascinating. They have doubts about Enoch’s authorship and theology, but they still do. It provides a rare window into Jewish beliefs. These are about messianic and eschatological. 

They are between the Old and New Testaments. The vivid demonology continues to capture imaginations today. New discoveries, like the Dead Sea fragments, show that the Book of Enoch was influential long ago. Modern believers still seek meaning in its visionary descriptions. 

They describe judgment, destinies, and the end of the world. This perplexing extra-biblical book still sparks mystery, imagination, and debate today


  • Subin John

    Subin John is a children's book author, former banker, and digital marketing entrepreneur who infuses his business knowledge and Christian faith into his writing. After completing his Masters in Business Administration, Subin worked for over a decade in the banking industry. During this time, he discerned a calling to pursue writing and leave a positive impact through literature. In 2016, Subin left his banking career to found his own digital marketing agency. This venture allowed him to synergize his business acumen with his passion for connecting through storytelling. A devout Catholic, Subin volunteers extensively with his church community. Inspired by his faith, Subin made his literary debut in 2023 with a series of children's books simplifying Christian concepts for young readers. His books are: Saints for Little Hearts: Exploring Catholic Heroes and Daisy and Zozo's Wild Zoo Adventure. When he's not writing or managing his digital agency, you can find Subin spending time with his wife and two kids. As an avid traveller, he also enjoys planning both family vacations and spiritual pilgrimages. Subin currently resides in India, but his works have found readers across India and beyond. He aspires to continue conveying spiritual wisdom to children while also honoring God through operating his business ethically and sustainably.

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